Welcome to down-under dream-walking when our eyelids come together, for night-travel senses the complex imagery any time of the day with a simple gesture of sleep. Mind, body, and spirit launch naturally too; like vessels venture into a liquid abyss of our inner, working psyche. These dreamwalks find the best routes … through inner ports with a soul-filled creative process.
“Under the Red Willow‘s Dreamatic adventures upon fictitious storylines to boost ones artistic Voice. An opportunity proposes the reader their personal character-development chance alongside the book’s Dreamwalker characters,” says the author.
The [PS:] Emblem
Dreamatics also allows the author to appear in writing at the completion of each Morning by extending a PostScript where the reader’s quest accepts some support, so not to give up on the highly artistic character, Taylore s. Burton.
The [PS:] emblem of hopeful patience sounds the bell when the character’s creative process goes entirely out the box; as clarity slips through the margins sometimes -leveling- one’s steadiness into reading between the lines through art’s wondrous lenses.
To imagination